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Private Consultation

(12+ Months)

One-on-one, private & customized support for your baby.

What's Included:

  • A 60-minute consultation via Google Meet
  • You'll get personalized advice and guidance to help you navigate any challenges or concerns you may have  
  • 2 Weeks of Private Whatsapp Support

What we cover:


  • Sleep struggles
  • Sleep scheduling
  • Removing sleep associations: Pacifier, rocking, or nursing to fall asleep
  • Bedtime routine
  • Night wakings
  • Nap transition from 2 to 1
  • Sleep regressions
  • Moving out of the crib
  • Bedtime fears


  • Picky Eating
  • Meeting nutritional needs
  • Portion sizes & Snacking
  • Meal planning
  • Self-feeding
  • Feeding Schedules
  • Weaning off Milk

Language Development

  • How to stimulate their child's language skills & meet their milestones

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