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Surviving Daylight Savings Time with Babies and Kids: A Guide to "Fall Back"

Stressed about Daylight Savings?
We’re here to provide guidance and tips for a smooth transition.

Understanding the Time Change:
During the "fall back" time zone adjustment, we gain an additional hour on Sunday. If your body feels like it's 7:00 am, the clocks will read 6:00 am. For many, this used to mean an extra hour of sleep, but for parents, this translates into an extra hour with the kids.

Navigating "Fall Back" on Sunday, November 5th with Kids:

Newborns (babies without a set schedule):
For the tiniest ones, it's best to follow their natural wake and feeding windows. Ignore the time change for them.

Babies and Toddlers:

No Preparation Required:
It may be surprising, but doing nothing is sometimes the best strategy.

Early Risers:
If they usually rise at 7:00 am, expect them around 6:00 am with the new time.

Adjust Sunday's Schedule:
The extra hour might make your child feel sleepy earlier. Modify their schedule by 30-60 minutes to keep them from being overtired.


Tips for the Days After "Fall Back":

Monday Adjustments:
By Monday, aim for a schedule that's shifted by about 15-30 minutes closer to their regular routine.

Back to Routine:
By Tuesday or Wednesday, routines should start settling. Remember, each child adjusts differently. Stay patient.

Sunlight is Key:
Sunlight helps reset the internal clock. Encourage outdoor play from Sunday to Tuesday for a smoother transition.

Be Patient:
Adjusting takes time. It's essential to remember that both you and your child are adjusting. Show some grace.

Mood Swings:
Changes in sleep can make kids moody. Anticipate some mood swings, and keep your expectations in check.

Seek Help If Needed:
If issues persist after these steps, remember age-specific programs are available to guide you.


Every child is unique. Pay attention to their specific needs. There might be short-term disruptions, but routines will normalize. Daylight Savings can be challenging, but with patience and the right approach, it's manageable. If sleep problems continue, always know there's help out there. Stay strong; you've got this!